07 NOV 2014 by ideonexus

 Kardashev scale

TYPE I Characteristics: Planetary Society. Developed Technology. * understanding the laws of physics. * space technology. * nuclear technology. * electromagnetic communications. Initiation of spaceflight, interplanetary travel, settlement of space. Early attempts at interstellar communication. Starting to push planetary resource limits. Information Level: I. Energy Consumption: 10 to the 16 power to 10 to the 17 power Watts. Manifestations: Intentional or u...
Folksonomies: extraterrestrials
Folksonomies: extraterrestrials
  1  notes
08 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Wonder at the Age of the Earth

The great age of the earth will appear greater to man when he understands the origin of living organisms and the reasons for the gradual development and improvement of their organization. This antiquity will appear even greater when he realizes the length of time and the particular conditions which were necessary to bring all the living species into existence. This is particularly true since man is the latest result and present climax of this development, the ultimate limit of which, if it is...
Folksonomies: evolution prescience
Folksonomies: evolution prescience
  1  notes

Lamarck believes we will marvel at the time it took us to get here, and wonder at the future apex we might reach.